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Ali R.A.

Updated: Dec 19, 2022

Dec. 04 2022 - Dec. 11 2022

May Allah be pleased with us. May Allah Most High be pleased with Ali R.A. and the companions and family of the Prophet S.A.W. May Allah S.W.T. forgive us. Love, Peace and the Choicest BEST Blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

May Allah Most High be pleased with him:


Short: Why follow a Shaykh? OSMANLI DERGAH • 1.5K views


Worldly matters:

The Duran • 80K views

Didn't watch all, seems really good: John Mearsheimer Explains Vietnam and America Max Mearsheimer • 30K views John Mearsheimer Explains Vietnam and America to his son who is traveling to Vietnam and lacks historical perspective.

Haven't watched all: Retired US Army Colonel on Ukraine, Iran & the State of the US Empire theAnalysis-news • 3.9K views In this episode of The Source, we talk with Lawrence Wilkerson, retired Army Colonel and former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell, about foreign policy with a focus on North Korea, Iran, and Ukraine....

Some sound wisdom and food for the soul:

Dry Creek Wrangler School • 409K views

Has a bit of, quite a lot of American fiscal conservative rhetoric in it but has a lot of personal good advice in it as well:

In 1965, American radio host Paul Harvey gave an immense warning to the American people about the fate of the nation. “We Were Warned: Freedom to Chains” is a short film about the parallels...

Put your trust in Allah over people and this world, I'm quite disappointed - Has Cursing in it! - :


Really interesting stuff about 9/11 - I still personally believe it was a CIA op with Al Qaeda involved AND which had a planned demolition of the WTC which caused it's collapse; therefore, manufacturing consent for them to escalate the Iraq conflict to the American people, the American Congress and the World.

I was a 14-15-year-old kid and knew that going to Iraq wasn't the answer - was not a good or right thing to do - full-scale wars over some terrorism carried out by a few people? And yes, wars, they obviously used it to invade Afghanistan as well.

- "Fighting terrorism in the middle east". Just a ton of de-stabilization in the middle east has occured since 9/11 either at the hands of the U.S. or and there is no debating, during the time in which we, The United States of America is the dominant power in the world and during which the "United Nations" also precedes over (the Arab Spring being hugely cataclysmic).

- They don't want to take any responsibility for the absolutely horrible state of the world and many of the millions or billions of people who have it WORSE off today than before the year 2000(!).

- "Progress" "Peace". Coming from people covering themselves in white masks, who have no vision, who can't see, presenting themselves as good "reformers in the land" but in reality their clothes are stained with blood (and mud - symbolizing in my mind, destruction of society - the opposite of progress - not just materially but "spiritually" one could say as well).

- There are many people in the U.S. and elsewhere, yes, who believe in 9/11 conspiracy theories, it's not shocking - don't act like it is - The thing was very questionable - horrible event yes - but and also yes, kind of unreal. The buildings falling like as they did seems quite, even seemed quite fake to me even as a young teenager when I saw it - watching the news at school. I thought it was really good that some of the victims/victims' families didn't accept the U.S. trying to give to them Afghanistan money as recompense.

Has some cursing I believe (these issues aren't very kid friendly anyway - maybe PG-13, depending upon one's parenting style):

It’s well established that George Bush knowingly led the country into war against Iraq under false pretenses. And it’s also widely suspected that Bush had a much better idea that Al Qaeda...

Even if you believe the 9/11 story - why wouldn't one be upset about our defense department's ineptitude concerning its information gathering/intelligence concerning Osama Bin Laden's/Al-Qaeda's possession of weapons of mass destruction and the extreme amount of money and lives (American as well - including American soldiers PTSD and disabilities/injuries from fighting), resources etc. spent on fighting a war that's only resulted in such porous outcomes and then the defense department's continued extreme spending when at the same time our troops actual equipment, pay, etc. and our ability to produce like masses of artillery shells like Russia is not even as good or great as them (not such a bad thing IMO right now - I'm rooting more for Russia but this is more of a systemic argument obviously - I was in the service, I know a bit about how much things cost).
